Emotional Wellness is Key to Success


During teenage years, a lot of focus is on academics, college and SUCCESS.

But we also need to remember that teenage years, may be the most exciting but also most challenging years in our lives. Those are the years your teen  may be exploring his/her idenitity. It is a transitional age to adulthood and many questions, concerns, confusions may overwhelm the teenage brain. Many mental health disorders are also triggered during this time and early symptoms may appear.


  • Do you or your teenager feel too overwhelmed and difficult to focus on his/her academics?
  • Do you or your teenager show sudden change in behavior or emotions?
  • Do you or your teenager experience significant stress, which cannot be managed?


Don’t hesitate to obtain help since the more you delay obtaining help, the more severe the symptoms may become.


As we get physical check-ups, it is important for us to also get a mental health check-up. During these teenage years, not only is the body growing, but hormones are at its peak and your brain is adjusting through various changes and stressors.

Getting help does not mean that something is awfully wrong with your mind. Sometimes you need someone who can be your coach so that you can be more successful in what you do.

Awareness of your mental health and emotional health during your teenage year, will be your engine to help you map out your future goals, relationships.

My Expertise

My Expertise are as follows

Learn More
Child Therapy

Child Therapy

Therapy for children,
ages three to twelve.

Family Therapy

Family Therapy

for the whole family.



Therapy for teenagers,
and adolescents.



Individual therapy
for adults